"My approach to your brand & content is simple...


to your inner niche
to your brand beyond logos
to your signature content expression

connection is the key to renewing your brand, building a refined community filled with aligned clientele. Connection is the key to impactful conversion.

This method works because it implores you to start from square one. It pushes you to start from within, which only causes your brand and content to have more depth and cause greater impact.

You're probably wondering how I know this...
Well... as I sat and reflected on my life, I realized a lot of discontentment or haphazard decisions stemmed from my inability to  work in conjunction with who I am... 

Because I didn't connect myself to my passion(s), vision(s) and mission(s), and develop in the discipline to see those things through, I could never fully walk in my purpose. Meaning I couldn't align myself with opportunities that would allow me to flourish... That compiled with comparison and self sabotage? Oh nothing was connecting for your girl.

Just from the standpoint of being online, I went from Youtuber to Blogger to Virtual Assistant to now, a Strategist. And simply looking at that, it seems that I was hopping from thing to thing... and for a time, I was. But once I shifted my intention to connection, each jump brought me more and more into alignment.

Here's what changed... 
I had to get Renewed. I renewed myself which allowed me to niche from within, instead adapting to the many niches out there.
I had to go through a process of Refinement. Refine my brand beyond just a pretty logo, fonts and colors (though they are still pretty cute lol).
I cultivated the value that I stand on, Nonconformity. Which helped me create content that looked & sounded like no one else but me.

And it's the same message I preach to you today.

As a creative leader in the online space, Conformity Limits You.

It isn't about hopping into the online space and just jumping into what's trending right now to make money as quickly as possible... (yes I'm calling you out lol) It's about coming into alignment and connecting the dots to your inner niche - brand - content.

Are you ready?


Meet Rose,



I am your brands therapist. Instead of going wider to do "more", we go deep and create more impact. And I'm going to do it with my pen in one hand and matcha iced tea latte in the other

Positioned on Purpose💡

In just 5 Days, learn exactly how you can Stand Out Online without 🗣 "niChiNg dOwN".

And yes 👀 this is FREE⬊


    Binge on the




